26 April 2021

Updates for 2021

 Hello Readers, 

I am not sure if this site has been getting much attention these days. I am not sure where it will go next, and also I've been writing and editing so much that I am fine with being a bit of an absentee blogger till just now. I am sure, however, that I will share with you what I've accomplished, which has been in the works for many years, and mostly off of platforms like this one for the past several years.

 Sometimes I think that we get so wrapped up in the idea of writing that we forget who we are, where we come from, and why we write. That plus a pandemic that almost destroyed my family as we experienced layoffs, mental health crises, advocating for special education and all it's push backs, unkind words, the death of some unhealthy relationships, rebirth of wellness and far too much time indoors; this time of silence has to end. 

Below are some links to my first full length book, Hats & Other Musings: Stories from a New York Life. These are some of my stories, so many more to tell. I hope someone out there has a takeaway from them that lasts.

E-Book & Paperback from Amazon

E-Book and Paperback from Barnes and Noble

Paperback Print on Demand direct from Publisher

It has been quite the journey. Looking back on the hills and valleys, I am happy to announce I've set this collection free and am deep in the pages of the next one. I have been teaching now for 14 years, and have run the gamut of choices and opportunities that life has to offer. The one true thing for me is that I will always write. I write because I need to write to breathe. I write to feel alive, and feel my words hit the page like waves of pleasure, drops of cleansing rain, purges of unnecessary objects...

Till next time dear readers--thank you for your support.

Tranquility & Truth,