29 November 2012

Sharing Warmth

As holidays are getting closer, I can see hordes of people approaching midtown Manhattan and snapping pics of store windows and such. Though its always like this I feel like this year there is something more happening in the wake of a hurricane.

Everywhere I turn there's a donation bin and people collecting supplies and clothing. I was thrilled to see that one such bin was designated for Staten Island and it was absolutely bursting.

This is what makes holidays have spirit.

Giving warmth to others seems the best we can do. Be warm to others. I like it don't you?

Winter Warmth

22 November 2012

Heading Home part 2

I had a ton of words until I worked till 1am on Thanksgiving. But for now:
I hope everyone has a really nice relaxing day and feels the tryptophan effects with their loved ones. Need something to read this thanksgiving? Try Indie Reader's upcoming Holiday Gifting Guide. Part 1 for mommies coming this week--stay tuned!

In other news:

And looking for something else to ponder?

Need some books for the young readers in your life?

Looking for a holiday thrill? Who says Halloween was cancelled?

Such a great read--and if you haven't already, start with book 1 in the series: A Soul to Steal. Good stuff!

And if you haven't already, GET this ONE too!!

Food coma with books: Best part of it all!

Turkey and Turning Pages,

20 November 2012

Heading home

So I had a whole post set up and was adding a picture and it went away! So here is a rundown as I'm only on the fist leg o the weekend journey to make it to the turkey... Again!

Old woman almost thrown down stairs in NY Penn Station by angry commuter man in hurry to get home and...relax? Hmm

Mom and daughter Beth and Heather heading to see Aerosmith and slammin Jäger and prefacing with "we are here for Cheap Trick. I had her backstage at four!" Hi Heather and Momdukes I hope you have a kick ass show and stay this close forever.

Reminds me yet again to thank my Da for keeping those early secrets and to be ever grateful for grades school friends with older sisters in the neighborhood who swore me to parental secrecy but got me to see GnR on the Appetite for Destruction tour.

What?! yeah! Thank you! Uh huh!

Anyway in thinking about all these years commuting I look forward to the fireplace and all but I also can't wait till I have more space and my own turkey table where everyone is welcome and if you fight you gotta leave. Shit wouldn't that break all the rules.

Most wholeheartedly as a martini sloshes down my back from a to go cup of man beside me... isn't that what the cap is for? Go figure.. Anyway! Most wholeheartedly I am thinking of Staten Island this holiday and feel like I'd rather be helping rebuild right through the day of unnecessary Hallmark gluttony but hey I do need a break indeed.

That said, I am finally 8pm on a train that is semi quiet and now know the trick to holiday commuting HA! And I will follow.. Sorry song in head but enjoy your tofurkeys and relish the autocorrect that tried to just make me spell rogue keys what the fffff

Relax enjoy and eat well. You will be back in the world again before you know it.


12 November 2012

Be Kind. Pass it on.

Everyone I see has a story. Make that at least three stories. Every day, I learn something new from people I either have known for a long time and now see a new side of, or from people I hardly know at all who appear at exactly the right moment with random acts of kindness. Although the past couple weeks have been difficult, this is the nice part.

One thing I realized is vital to making it through stressful times is learning to listen. I always have tried to be the friend that you can call no matter how long it's been and talk to me about any concerns or issues or things on your mind. Even though we make conscious efforts to try and be that friend, we sometimes lose sight of what is really important. We get selfish. I do it too (and acknowledging this is the first step) but am able to keep it to a minimum by being sure to check in with myself every day.

I am continuously asking "What would I do if I was in their shoes?" because as an educator and a person who writes for others and shares life on pages of a rather open book, it is absolute necessity. We don't always remember this..like in Walmart, grocery shopping...oh yes and getting gas during odd/even rationing days. I won't even go there as we are all trying to be calm. Deep breaths.
That said, here is where I say thanks to everyone else for listening to what I have to say.
That is all.
Just thank you.


08 November 2012

Stormy Weather

As I sift slowly through the news there is so much on my plate that last night I sat on my couch and finally let my emotions catch up with me. Why tell you this? Well, the past two weeks have been so hard that I realize I have been bottling everything up and that's just not a smart thing to do.

We all do it. Something tragic happens and we see that we have to act so we forget to feel. When I say forget, I don't mean we don't care. We have to act so we save the feeling for later. When we get five minutes to breathe, it all comes out.

So here's what I did. While working, I shared a meditation with people who are going through the same awful stuff we all are. Discreetly pressing play on a Tibetan chanting CD I said "let's write together." Worked wonders. I know I felt better and as I watched our planned ten minutes turn to thirty, I know everyone took a moment for themselves. Then I suggested that we set our pages on fire, or if unavailable, rip into small pieces and throw away. More wonders worked.

Though I've seen utter devastation in the past week, there will not be any pictures of what used to be homes posted by me. Driving home (carpooling when gas is scarce) you see a lot. Last night I began what is normally a thirty minute drive at 4:30pm. At 6:40 I arrived safely home and feel nothing but compassion for the emergency workers, police, fire, sanitation and power company employees who are taking so much shit and still working their asses off to give us light, heat and a place to live.

I feel like I should share what I was able to accomplish thanks to businesses allowing me to plug into their power while mine was out all this time.

For the Halloween that we almost had:


For those with power who need something to read:

TRY THESE CRIME THRILLERS to take your mind off the storm our lives have been.
(Yep it's those creepy twins again)
Most heartfelt and the hardest to write for all those who lost homes and lives in Hurricane Sandy:


Here are some links you may like that have kept me sane:
I am hoping everyone without power and heat finds some kind of peace this week. We still have our homes and many do not. To those who do not, my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
 Peace and picking up the pieces,


05 November 2012

04 November 2012

Taking advantage of some family time

My two favorite snugglers were all too happy to give my unshowered hair a boost today. Quality time with the lovelies after all this: priceless

02 November 2012


I know it's annoying to sit online for gas for hours... Did it yesterday. I know it sucks to have no heat and hot water... Typing this wrapped in blankets. I know having no power sucks and we expect no power for at least another week maybe two.

I get it.

But to the man who pounded on my window almost breaking it on line for gas, the woman who cursed out the fro yo shop owner because an outlet died in the storm (although he graciously let us all charge our devices and use the wifi every day this week) and to my neighbors who called the cops because they couldn't get a spot immediately on the one extension cord to our one working plug for ten buildings in the utility room so we could charge our phones to keep in touch with our families in NY who lost , absolutely EVERYTHING ... Well, I send the most positive energy and compassion to these awful, negative people. I hope they never lose their families, houses, cars or lives in a storm. For them, I hope they duck when the boomerang that is karma comes flying back their way.

Just a thought, read a book, let the sunlight in and drink some tea. It could be so much worse and we should be focusing on HELPING OTHERS instead of squabbling over petty crap.

Kindness works wonders. Pass it on.

My thoughts and prayers are with all my family and friends in Staten Island, Brooklyn, NYC and south NJ.
Whether we have power or not, everyone has shelter with me, just show up. Because this? This is not that bad.