23 April 2013

Tuesday... Day in our life

So I'm on my way to NYC and as I'm sitting in the train thinking about the upcoming weeks, months... You know the usual--I have to make some lists. First up, things I'm grateful for: yoga, the wonderful teachers and fellow students I'm blessed to spend time learning from. Cortisone because otherwise I wouldn't be walking on me left heel right now. Family! Especially this little dude I get to share my body with for four more months. Even though he wakes me up, kicks and punches me from the inside out, swims in my belly while I am learning how to be still, takes my food when I eat it and makes me need some more... Oh and makes me the thirstiest I've ever been, when I drink a gallon of water every day to begin with! It's funny, on New Years Day I sat with three pee sticks in front of me, all sporting two pink lines, and after calling little dude's dad, my first thought was hmm, am I gonna be a mommy blogger?
Irony fully struck when more than half of everyone I shared my happy news with asked the very same... Hmm. Time will tell. Having someone share my body is wild! I should add to the gratitude list that there are bathrooms on NJ Transit as well. There should definitely be a such thing as frequent pee-er miles... Or cash! Cash would be nice too. On that note, train flies through tunnel and I'm on my way to teach young writers. I hope everyone has a gorgeous day despite the clouds.
Much love!

19 April 2013

Need something to read (AKA escape this crazy week)?


Check out this week's Alike But Indie if you are looking for a little suspense!


15 April 2013

Pressing Reset

Pressing Reset

To press or not to press... That is the question!
Happy Monday to you all!


04 April 2013

Murphy You're Not Allowed

This morning I awoke to an extremely negative voicemail (not mean just negative) and I learned something really important. As I got dressed for work--which is now over an hour away again, and tried to remember all my food for the day, relaxation tools and not forget something major like brushing my hair.... I realized that there are indeed many different levels we exist on.

That said I also know that as I see these things it's important to change them. Especially since I've now got to worry about another little human (now the size of a mango!) who will arrive and rock my world, I can't soak up negativity anymore. Tis not an option.

The other day a friend asked me if I heard what happened to this woman we know. So I simply said "nope but I hope she's well." And I noticed that this have my friend pause and she immediately dropped the little piece of gossip and moved on to whether we should get Starbucks or Dunkin. It felt really good.

Last week I spoke with a family member who is always stressed out and needs a huge amount of validation. So much so that there is almost always "Right?" Or "Don't you think?" placed at the end of each negative comment. I have found that smiling and nodding works wonders. But for the times I don't agree I do say so. No catastrophe has occurred.

In another area of my life where things are usually really zen and relaxed, I've been feeling pressure and stress about deadlines and seeming to run out of time. of course the universe sends me a friend who feels the same way and we talk each other down and agree to stop worrying because IN THIS MOMENT, nothing is wrong. And we are fine.

I am writing this as I'm on the way to teach in NYC. Something I had agreed within myself that I would be winding down months ago. There are all of these curveballs being thrown and I get that life is unpredictable. That's one of the things I love about it. On the train are some chatty women knitting, a woman on the phone with the school nurse and business people on conference calls. That will not be me once my mango has hatched, but right now we are fine.

As the school nurse reports ear ache, she sends a sitter to pick up said ears and take him to the dr. I can't help but think I'd be getting off at the next stop and doing so myself... But that's just me. Priorities change quite frequently indeed. Yet as we all have different views, we have different reactions too.

A few months ago I may have thought this was gonna be "one of those days" and here comes Mr. Murphy (you know him--of the law) to tell me all is upended. But not today. Today we are fine. At this moment it's all good.

Press on and embrace the good, but send that negativity packing. We don't need it anymore.